MAS Lab @IIT Mandi

School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (SCEE)
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

Journal Conference Patents

International Conferences


  1. R. Shrestha, S. Roy Chowdhury, N. Govil, "A New Multi-Objective Hardware-Software-Partitioning Algorithmic Approach for High Speed Application", International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication, Shillong, April 6-7, 2017, Accepted for publication.


  1. Aditya Nigam, Balender and Phalguni Gupta, "Automated Soft Contact Lens Detection Using Gradient based Information", International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 27-29 Feb 2016, Rome Italy.
  2. Balender, Aditya Nigam and Phalguni Gupta,"Fully Automated Soft Contact Lens Detection from NIR Iris Images", Sixth International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM), 24-26 Feb 2016, Rome Italy.
  3. Aditya Nigam and Phalguni Gupta, "Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction Using Curvature Gabor Filter for Human Authentication", International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 27-29 Feb 2016, Rome Italy.
  4. P. Sharma, V. Abrol, A. Sachdev, A. D. Dileep and A. K. Sao, "Speech emotion recognition using kenel sparse representation based classifier", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, 2016 (Accepted).
  5. V. Abrol, P. Sharma, F. Shahrooz, A. K. Sao and A. A. Kassim, "Fast and Robust fMRI Unmixing Using Hierarchical Dictionary Learning", International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Arizona, United States, 2016 (Accepted).
  6. P. Sharma, V. Abrol, A. Sachdev, A. D. Dileep and A. K. Sao, "Speech emotion recognition using kenel sparse representation bsed classifier", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, 2016 (Accepted).
  7. V. Abrol, P. Sharma and A. K. Sao, "Making Sense of Randomness: Fast Signal Recovery from Compressive Samples ", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, 2016 (Accepted).
  8. V. Abrol, P. Sharma and A. K. Sao, "Randomness is sufficient ! Approximate recovery from CS samples", International Traveling Workshop on Interaction between Sparse models and Technology (ITWIST), Aalborg, Denmark, 2016 (Accepted).
  9. P. Sharma, V. Abrol and A. K. Sao, "Learned dictionaries for sparse representation based unit selection speech synthesis", IEEE 22nd National Conference on Communication (NCC), Mar, 2016, IIT Guwahati, India.
  10. Munender Varshney and Renu Rameshan, Accelerated learning of discriminative spatio-temporal features for action recognition. In International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2016, pages 1-5, July 2016.
  11. S. Gupta, A. D. Dileep and T. Veena, " Segment-Level Pyramid Match Kernels for the classification of varying length patterns of speech using SVMs". In European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2016), Budapest, Hungary, August 2016.
  12. S. Gupta, T. Veena and A. D. Dileep, " Spatial Probabilistic Sequence Kernel for Scene Classification using Support Vector Machines". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2016.
  13. S. Gupta, J. Samriddhi, T. Veena and A. D. Dileep, " Semantic Multinomial Representation for Scene Images using Dynamic Kernel based SVMs". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2016.
  14. K. Gupta, A. Bhavsar. "Effectiveness of Grasp Attributes and Motion-Constraints for Fine-Grained Recognition of Object Manipulation Actions". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, 2016 (accepted).
  15. K. Gupta, A. Bhavsar. "Scale Invariant Human Action Detection from Depth Cameras using Class Templates". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, 2016 (accepted).
  16. K. Gupta, A. Bhavsar. "Human action recognition for depth cameras via dynamic frame warping". International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP 2016), 2016.
  17. K. Gupta, A. Bhavsar. "Effectiveness of Grasp Attributes and Motion-Constraints for Fine-Grained Recognition of Object Manipulation Actions". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, 2016 (accepted).
  18. V. Gupta, K. Gupta, A. Bhavsar, A. Sao. "Hierarchical Classification of HEp-2 Cell Images Using Class-Specific Features ". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2016. (accepted).
  19. K. Gupta, S. Gautam, A. Sao, A. Bhavsar. "Nucleus-Based Cervical Cell Classification In Pap Smear Images Using Decision-Tree Based Approach ". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) workshop, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2016. (accepted).
  20. G. Sharma, Y. Arora, S. Roy Chowdhury,"A 4X1 High Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Device for targeting Cerebral Microvessels functionality using NIRS", IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS), Gwalior, December 20-22, 2016.
  21. S.S. Dubey, R. Shrestha, S. Roy Chowdhury, "A Novel Architecture for Computing Eigenvalues of Matrix for High Speed Applications", 13th IEEE INDICON, Bangalore, India, December 16-18, 2016.
  22. G. Sharma, Y. Arora, S. Roy Chowdhury, "A low cost Non Invasive Hardware for anodal transcranial direct current stimulation to screen stroke patients using continuous wave functional near infrared spectroscopy", World Stroke Congress, Hyderabad, India, October 26-29, 2016.
  23. G. Nair, S. Ramasahayam, S. Roy Chowdhury, R. Shrestha, "Non-Invasive Estimation of Blood Parameters from Composite Signal Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Independent Component Analysis", 37th IEEE Annual International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlando, USA, August 16-20, 2016.


  1. A.Babu and A.K.Sao, "Unit Selection Using Acoustic Suprasegmental Cues to Improve Prosody", in Proc. International Conference on Non Linear Speech Processing (NOLISP) 2015, May 18-20, 2015.
  2. K. Gupta, V. Gupta, A. Bhavsar, A. Sao,, Class-specific Hierarchical Classification for HEp-2 specimen Images, International Conference on image processing (ICIP-2015), Sep-2015, Qeuebec city, Canada.
  3. P. Sharma, V. Abrol, A.D. Dileep and A. K. Sao, " Sparse Coding based features for speech units classification”, in Proc. ISCA 16th Annual Conference (INTERSPEECH), 06 - 10 September, 2015, Dresden, Germany.
  4. A. Sachdev, T. Veena, A. D. Dileep and C. Chandra Sekhar, "Example-specific density based matching kernels for scene classification using support vector machines", In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2015), Miami, Florida, USA, December 2015, pp. 115-120.
  5. A. Sachdev, A. D. Dileep and T. Veena, "A family of example-specific density based matching kernel for classification of varying length patterns of speech using support vector machines", In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing and machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2015), Hong Kong, November 2015, pp. 121-125. [This paper bagged INNS Best Paper Award.]
  6. A. Sachdev, A. D. Dileep, and T. Veena, "Example-specific density based matching kernel for classification of varying length patterns of speech using support vector machines", In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2015), Istanbul, Turkey, November 2015, Part I, LNCS 9489, pp. 1–8.
  7. P. Sharma, V. Abrol and A. K. Sao, "Compressed Sensing for unit selection based Speech Synthesis”, in Proc. 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), 31 August - 04 September, 2015, Nice, France.
  8. P. Sharma, V. Abrol and A. K. Sao, "Supervised Speech Enhancement Using Compressed Sensing”, in Proc. IEEE 20th National Conference on Communication (NCC), Feb, 2015, Mumbai, India.
  9. Aditya Nigam, Parvez Khan, Phalguni Gupta, "Fusion of Palmprint and Finger-Knuckle-Print for Human Personal Recognition", IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-10 December 2015
  10. Gitesh, Aditya Nigam, Phalguni Gupta, "Pose Invariant Face Recognition using Binocular Stereo 3D Reconstruction", Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 16-19 December, IIT Patna.
  11. Aditya Nigam, Phalguni Gupta, "Tri-Modal Biometric Fusion for Human Authentication by Tracking Differential Code Pattern", Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), 16-19 December, IIT Patna.
  12. Aditya Nigam, Balender Kumar, Jyoti Triyar and Phalguni Gupta, "Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relational Measures" in 16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Valetta, Malta, Sep 2-4, 2015
  13. Lovish, Aditya Nigam, Balender Kumar and Phalguni Gupta, "Robust Contact Lens Detection using Local Phase Quantization and Binary Gabor Pattern" in 16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Valetta, Malta, Sep 2-4, 2015
  14. S. Dagar, S. Roy Chowdhury, A. Dutta, D. Roy, S. Bapi Raju, "How the Excitation-Inhibition (E/I balance) mechanism can be used for optimizing tDCS protocol: A computational investigation", 3rd International Conference on Cognition, Brain and Computation, IIT Gandhinagar, India, December 5-7, 2015.
  15. S. Roy Chowdhury, "Development of a point of care screening device for cerebrovascular reactivity", Intel India Academic Forum 2015, New Delhi, October 8-9, 2015.
  16. A. Madhubabu, L. Prasada Raju, S. Roy Chowdhury, "Detection of Cardio Auscultation using MEMS microphone", 9th IEEE International Conference on Sensing Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, December 8-10, 2015.
  17. S. Ramasahayam, L. Arora, S. Roy Chowdhury, "FPGA based system for Blood Glucose Sensing using Photoplethysmography and online motion artifact correction using Adaline", 9th IEEE International Conference on Sensing Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, December 8-10, 2015.
  18. N. Govil, S. Roy Chowdhury, "A high speed metaheuristic algorithmic approach to Hardware Software Partitioning for Low Cost SoCs", IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 8-9, 2015.
  19. G. Malik, K. Gupta, M. Krishna, S. Roy Chowdhury, " FPGA based Combinatorial Architecture for Parallelizing RRT", 37th IEEE Annual International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, August 25-29, 2015.
  20. U. Jindal, M. Sood, S. Roy Chowdhury, D. Kondziella, A. Dutta, "Corticospinal excitability changes to anodal tDCS elucidated with NIRS-EEG joint-imaging - an ischemic stroke study", 37th IEEE Annual International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, August 25-29, 2015.
  21. M. Sood, U. Jindal, S. Roy Chowdhury, A. Das, D. Kondziella, A. Dutta, " Anterior temporal artery tap to identify systemic interference using short-separation NIRS measurements – a NIRS/EEG-tDCS study", 37th IEEE Annual International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, August 25-29, 2015.
  22. N. Paradkar, S. Roy Chowdhury, "Primary Study For Detection of Arterial Blood Pressure Waveform Components", 37th IEEE Annual International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, August 25-29, 2015.
  23. G. Malik, K. Gupta, M. Krishna, S. Roy Chowdhury, "FPGA based hierarchical architecture for parallelizing RRT", International Conference on Advances in Robotics, Goa, July 2-4, 2015.


  1. A.Babu, R.Krishnan, A.K.Sao and H.A.Murthy, "A Probabilistic Approach to Selecting Units for Speech Synthesis Based on Acoustic Similarity ", in Proc. 20th National Conference on Communications (NCC-2014), Feb 2014, pp.1-6.
  2. K. Gupta, V. Gupta, A. Sao, A. Bhavsar and A. D. Dileep, Class-specific Hierarchical Classification of HEp-2 Cell Images: The case of two classes, The First Workshop on Pattern Recognition Techniques for Indirect Immunofluorescence Images (I3A), 2014, IEEE, 2014.
  3. Srimanta Mandal, Arnav Bhavsar and Anil Kumar Sao, "Super-resolving a Single Intensity/Range Image via Non-local Means and Sparse Representation," in Proceedings of the 9th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'14), Dec.2014. 
  4. Srimanta Mandal, Arnav Bhavsar and Anil Kumar Sao, "Hierarchichal Example-Based Range-Image Super-Resolution With Edge-Preservation," in Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'14), Oct.2014, pp. 3867-3871. 
  5. Shejin Thavalengal, Srimanta Mandal and Anil Kumar Sao, " Significance of Dictionary for Sparse Coding Based Pose Invariant Face Recognition," in Proceedings of the National Conference on Communications (NCC'14), Feb.2014 .
  6. Yogesh Kumar, Aditya Nigam, Kamlesh Tiwari and Phalguni Gupta, "An automated multimodal biometric system and fusion" in IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM), Florida, USA, December 9-12, 2014
  7. Ankit Tandon, Aditya Nigam and Phalguni Gupta, "An Efficient Age-Invariant Face Recognition" in Software Intelligence Technologies Applications (SIT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec 4 - 6, 2014
  8. Kamlesh Tiwari, Aditya Nigam, and Phalguni Gupta, "TARC: A novel score fusion scheme for multimodal biometric systems" in IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM), Florida, USA, December 9-12, 2014
  9. Rahul Ajmera, Aditya Nigam and Phalguni Gupta, "3D Face Recognition using Kinect" in International Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP), IISC Bangalore, INDIA, Dec 14 - 17, 2014
  10. Aditya Nigam and Phalguni Gupta, "Personal Authentication System using Ear" in HIS at 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Singapore, November 1 - 5, 2014
  11. Aditya Nigam, Vamshi Krishna, Amit Bendale and Phalguni Gupta, "Iris Recognition Using Block Local Binary Patterns and Relational Measures" in International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Clearwater, Florida, USA, 29 Sep - 2 Oct, 2014
  12. Aditya Nigam, Lovish, Amit Bendale and Phalguni Gupta, "Efficient Iris recognition using Relational Measures" in IWCF at International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 2014
  13. Vandana Dixit Kaushik, Amit Bendale, Aditya Nigam and Phalguni Gupta, "Certain Reduction Rules Useful for De-Duplication Algorithm of Indian Demographic Data" in 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ACCT), Rohtak, India, Feb 8 - 9, 2014


  1. Srimanta Mandal and Anil Kumar Sao, "Image Deblurring in Super Resolution Framework," in Proceedings of the National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG'13), Dec.2013 .
  2. Srimanta Mandal and Anil Kumar Sao, "Edge Preserving Single Image Super Resolution in Sparse Environment,"in Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'13), Sept.2013, pp. 967-971. 
  3. V. Abrol, P. Sharma and A. K. Sao, "Speech Enhancement using Compressed Sensing”, in Proc. ISCA 14th Annual Conference (INTERSPEECH), August, 2013, Lyon, France.